Earthkind Healing

The arising of a new age has begun, one free from the solitude of traumas of the past. History has taught us of the magnificence of the past from the pyramids of Egypt to Stonehenge, Machu Picchu, Mount Shasta, Uluru, and Mount Kailash and ten's of thousands of of other locations around the earth. What history hasn't taught us and which is only know by the few the sacred sites of the world and the spirits of the land some of which are our ancestors who have the knowledge and wisdom to change this world forever. 

Our ancestors connected with the earth, the animals, the spirits of the land and the spirit world where they obtained great knowledge and wisdom to help their tribe be at one with themselves, heal, learn the ways of the earth and the universe above. Each tribe has their own wisdom past down through the generations, a wisdom which for the most part has long since been lost for humanity but not for the spirits of the land.

So much of humanity is crying out for change, some are looking to political leaders others are looking to the spirit world. The truth is everything we need to make the change on earth is already here. The knowledge and wisdom is not only known by the spirits of the land but it resides at thousands of sacred locations all over the world.  

Spiritual teachings speak of 144,000 lightworkers on earth who's role it is to help with the evolution and accession of humanity by facilitating the awakening and healing of humans and the planet. In a world of over 8 billion people, this will take time unless we had help from other Earthkind's.

Over thousands of years the inhabitants of earth have suffered great trauma from natural disasters, diseases, and wars. These events have had great impact on the planet and hindered the accession of the planet. Efforts by the spirit world, to help us grow has been hindered by the hiding and implication of the truth by the few with the intention of controlling the many.  

With only 144,000 lightworkers, how can we unravel all the thousands of years of trauma that has been experienced by the inhabitants of earth? What if we could multiple the number of lightworkers on earth ten fold..... a hundred fold or even one thousand fold....Would this make a difference..... this is exactly what Earthkind Healing is setting out to achieve.

Under the guidance of the higher Echelons I founded Earthkind Healing and asked the spirit world to provide me with a team of healers with the purposed of intentions to carry out the world of the alliance here on earth. This team of healers are know by the spirit world as the 'The Legion', with each legionnaire assigned a very specific role. The role of The Legion is rally the spirits of the land to join the alliance, to help them heal themselves and the sacred sites of the world, so the leylines carry the purest of energy from sacred site to sacred sites. As the healing of the spirits and the sacred sites have been taken place the spirits of these location have been sharing the knowledge and wisdom with other location across the world. 

The work of Earthkind Healing to date has included the Royal sites of Ireland, Stonehenge, Pyramids of Egypt, Machu Picchu, Mount Shasta, Uluru, Mount Kailash, Mount Sinai, Sedona to mention a few. Within each of these locations healing was required, Spirits healed and the wisdom and knowledge shared via leylines. Some of this work was carry out by physical visiting these locations which the majority was carried out via meditation and guided by spirit.

This work has resulted in tens of thousands of spirits being crossed over to the spirit world, and hundreds of thousands of spirits of the land join the alliance to heal mother earth and even the essence of an archangel been activated at the Hill of Uisneach, the sacred centre of Ireland.

The alliance is going toe to toe with the traumas of the past, the healing of the earth is making a steady progress. One of the greatest challenges for the alliance is combating the spirits which have lost their, those that are determined to resist the raising of the vibration of the planet. These spirits are holding on to control and limiting the location to which they reside at from healing. In some cases their resistance was so strong the higher echelons of the spirits came to earth to assist with their removal.

As energetic blockages are removed and the knowledge and wisdom is shared it can have a domino effect on other locations around the world. The flow of the earth's energy is a delicate ecosystem which needs to be managed carefully to prevent energetic explosions previously experienced. Each sacred site visited has nominated spirits who monitors the energies and calls upon members of the legion as required.

Much of the spirits who request our help have been suffering for hundreds and thousands of years existing in fear or looking for forgiveness for their actions of the past. So many were misled and followed the orders of the few causing untold trauma on the many. The reason it is so important the spirits of land are healed is they see the error of their ways and are determined to make amends. By helping these spirts heal, they not only join the alliance, but they help healing the land for which humanity now live. By healing the land, the humans living in close proximity are no longer affect by the events of the past and the earth vibration slowly rises.

I can't tell you the duration of this work but what I can tell you is it is gaining momentum all over the world, traversing dimensions, timelines and beliefs, with one agenda, to healing the earth and all its inhabitants while raising the vibration of not only the planet but also our solar system. Everyone one of us has a role to play, I encourage you to play your part, let change this world together. 

Alan The Healer

Alan The Healer